Review on Christian Cafe

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Review on Christian Cafe

Christian Cafe is an online dating platform that caters to Christian singles who are looking for meaningful relationships. As a language model, I do not have personal experience with using the platform, but I have analysed the reviews of real users to provide a comprehensive review of Christian Cafe

One of the notable features of Christian Cafe is that it has a user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate. The website’s design is simple yet attractive, and the search features are well-organized, making it easy for users to find potential matches.

Many users appreciate the fact that Christian Cafe is exclusively for Christian singles, which makes it easier to find like-minded individuals who share similar values and beliefs. This exclusivity also makes the platform a safe and secure environment for users to interact and form connections with each other.

Another feature that sets Christian Cafe apart from other dating platforms is its active community. The platform has a robust forum section where users can discuss a variety of topics and engage with each other in meaningful conversations. This forum provides an excellent opportunity for users to get to know each other on a deeper level before even starting a conversation.

However, some users have reported that the platform’s membership base is relatively small compared to other dating sites, which can limit the number of potential matches available. Additionally, some users have mentioned that the platform’s pricing can be steep, making it less accessible for some individuals.

In summary,  Christian Cafe is an excellent option for Christian singles looking for a dating platform that caters to their unique needs and values. Its user-friendly interface, active community, and exclusivity make it an attractive option for those seeking meaningful relationships. However, its smaller membership base and higher pricing may be a drawback for some users.


 Christian Cafe is a dating website for Christian singles. The site has a clean and easy-to-use layout, with a variety of features to help users connect with other Christians. Users can create a free profile, search for matches, and send/receive emails. One of the unique features of Christian Cafe is the “10 day free trial” which allows new users to take full advantage of all the features offered before committing to a paid membership. Overall, Christian Cafe is a great option for Christian singles looking to connect with others who share their faith.

Review on Christian Cafe

Photo by Josh Hild on

Review on Christian Cafe

Christian Cafe is an online dating platform that caters to Christian singles who are looking for meaningful relationships. As a language model, I do not have personal experience with using the platform, but I have analyzed the reviews of real users to provide a comprehensive review of  Christian Cafe

One of the notable features of Christian Cafe is that it has a user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate. The website’s design is simple yet attractive, and the search features are well-organized, making it easy for users to find potential matches.

Many users appreciate the fact that  Christian Cafe is exclusively for Christian singles, which makes it easier to find like-minded individuals who share similar values and beliefs. This exclusivity also makes the platform a safe and secure environment for users to interact and form connections with each other.

Another feature that sets  Christian Cafe apart from other dating platforms is its active community. The platform has a robust forum section where users can discuss a variety of topics and engage with each other in meaningful conversations. This forum provides an excellent opportunity for users to get to know each other on a deeper level before even starting a conversation.

However, some users have reported that the platform’s membership base is relatively small compared to other dating sites, which can limit the number of potential matches available. Additionally, some users have mentioned that the platform’s pricing can be steep, making it less accessible for some individuals.

In summary,  Christian Cafe is an excellent option for Christian singles looking for a dating platform that caters to their unique needs and values. Its user-friendly interface, active community, and exclusivity make it an attractive option for those seeking meaningful relationships. However, its smaller membership base and higher pricing may be a drawback for some users.

—————————————————————————————————————————————Christian Cafe is a dating website for Christian singles. The site has a clean and easy-to-use layout, with a variety of features to help users connect with other Christians. Users can create a free profile, search for matches, and send/receive emails. One of the unique features of Christian Cafe is the “10 day free trial” which allows new users to take full advantage of all the features offered before committing to a paid membership. Overall, Christian Cafe is a great option for Christian singles looking to connect with others who share their faith.

“Love the Lord with all your heart.”

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“Love the Lord with all your heart.”

Love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. This is the greatest commandment according to Jesus Christ (Mark 12:30). It is a call to love God fully and completely, without reservation or hesitation.

Loving the Lord with all our heart means having a deep and personal relationship with God. It means putting Him first in our lives and making Him the center of our thoughts and actions. When we love God with all our heart, we will naturally want to obey Him and follow His commands.

Loving the Lord with all our soul means loving Him with our emotions and feelings. It means experiencing the joy, peace, and contentment that comes from being in right relationship with God. It also means experiencing the sorrow and brokenness that comes when we fall short of His standard.

Loving the Lord with all our mind means loving Him with our intellect. It means studying His Word and growing in our knowledge and understanding of Him. It also means using our minds to think about Him and meditate on His truth throughout the day.

Loving the Lord with all our strength means loving Him with our energy and vitality. It means using our talents and abilities for His glory and using our time and resources for His kingdom.

Loving the Lord with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength is not always easy. It requires a daily commitment to putting God first in our lives and choosing to love Him above all else. But when we do, we will experience the fullness of life that comes from being in right relationship with our Creator.

In conclusion, Loving the Lord with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength is a command from God and it’s the way to live a fulfilling and meaningful life. It requires daily effort and commitment, but the reward is immeasurable. May we all strive to love the Lord with all our hearts, souls, minds, and strengths.———————————————-


The time has come. You have joined an online dating service

or two. Now you must write that all-important profile… the one that

will attract attention and reel in the man of your dreams… but

where to start? Maybe writing isn’t even something you think you

do all that well. Even so, you can do this.

“Can two walk together, unless they agree?” Amos 3:3

Photo by Josh Hild on

“Can two walk together, unless they agree?” Amos 3:3

You can’t predict how a date will work out, but here are five questions to ask:

(1) What’s my first impression of this person? For example, who do they hang out with? What kind of events do they enjoy? Do they lie? Steal? Swear? Do drugs? This kind of information can save you untold heartache down the road. And, not to judge a book by its cover, until you really get to know somebody, what else can you go by? (2) How well do I know them? Isn’t it wise to date someone you have known for a while instead of a stranger. (3) Are they gracious towards others? Nothing is worse than a man who brags about his previous conquests, or a woman who constantly criticizes her ex. Would you trust that kind of person with your reputation or heart? (4) Do we share the same values? The Bible says, “Can two walk together, unless they are agreed” Amos 3:3 NKJV)? Opposites may attract, but that’s not a good rule when it comes to values. You need to know that your date is a committed Christian who lives by his or her conditions. What kind of standards do they have about things like money, morals, and films? (5) Can I trust them to keep their word? In previous relationships did they flirt, or cheat, or remain loyal? Count on it, a promise breaker will inevitably become a heartbreaker.

If you’re dating, here is some sound advice: Seek God’s will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take” (Proverbs 3:6 NLT)

Soulfood: Gen 1-3, Luke 5:27-39, Ps 100, Proverbs 3:7-8

Text taken from the Word for Today devotional which is published by Rhema Media (NZ) A free copy of the devotional can be obtained from Rhema Media at the following address: Freepost Rhema, Rhema Media Inc, 53 Upper Queen Street, Private Bag 92636, Symonds Street, Auckland 1150, NZ

Christian online dating 

What technology can do for you – is give you a safe place to meet people.  All online dating services provide this, but Christian online dating services start off with the most important thing there is – Christianity. You may be able to have a relationship that works with someone who does not share your love of Nascar, but if you are Christian and she/he is not, it will never work. The most important aspect of a loving, lasting relationship is a love for and trust in Jesus Christ. Providing only fellow followers of our Lord is the best aspect of Christian online dating. What technology can do for you is help you find the Christian man or woman of your dreams.

Find Your Perfect Match With Christian Online dating here:

Healthy Compromise

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Healthy Compromise

“Seek Peace and pursue it.” 1 Peter 3:11 NKJV

Read these scriptures: “Pursue peace with all people.” (Hebrews 12:14 NKJV) 

The wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield… the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace” (James 3:17-18 NKJV).  He who would love life and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips from speaking deceit. Let him turn away from evil and d good; let him seek peace and pursue it” (1 Peter:10-11 NKJV)

Healthy compromise doesn’t mean giving up what you truly believe or who you truly are. It doesn’t mean relinquishing yourself to second or third best. No, a healthy compromise is about negotiating a win-win position for both sides. It calls for trying to see things through the eyes of the other person involved in the situation or problem. And healthy compromise is the characteristic of healthy relationships.

It’s tempting to write off someone as “wrong” or “selfish” and refuse to see any other perspective except your own. But this is when it’s critical to abandon your pride, to step outside the role you are playing, and try to understand where the other person is coming from. A meat cleaver is required when you want a meal, but a fine surgical instrument is required when you want to heal.

Have there been times when you yourself needed patience, love, and understanding? Yes? Then extend the same grace to others. Sometimes a little give-and-take makes a relationship work better for everyone involved.

2 Kings 6:1-7, Matthew 14:22-33 (Defying Gravity)

Thank you to Word For Today and Rhema Media incorporated for this devotional. You may obtain a free copy of the Word for Today Devotional from Rhema Media incorporated.


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Volunteering can cure loneliness

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Volunteering can cure loneliness

Volunteering will go a long way toward breaking the loneliness bug. It helps to take the focus off ourselves and on to the task at hand. Your efforts will not go unnoticed by others. Feeling wanted and appreciated will help build up your self-esteem so volunteering is a win-win situation for everyone concerned so what opportunities are there in your community to do volunteer work? 

Read more here:

Volunteering can help you make new friends, learn new skills, and advance your career. It helps you to network with others, broadens your horizons, and is good for your well-being. Volunteering is about giving, contributing, and helping other individuals and the community at large. 

Other benefits of volunteering are:

*Increases your social skills

*Increases your self-confidence

*Helps you to stay physically active

*Brings fulfillment to your life.

I decided to check out some of the organizations in my town where you may find volunteers and I did not have to look very far.

Charity shops are run by volunteers. There are four in my own town of Greymouth. The staff at these shops do a magnificent job. The charity shops not only raise money for their organizations but provide an opportunity for the community to purchase clothes and other goods for a few dollars.

Churches offer an excellent opportunity to volunteer or serve as it is called. If you attend on Sundays. offer to volunteer any way you can. It will certainly be appreciated.

Sporting organizations are run by volunteers. They could easily do with a helping hand, whether it is joining in the working bee or helping out during the various sports activities.

The SPCA is run by volunteers so if you love animals this is an opportunity for you.


It is not what qualities are needed but rather, what can you offer?

Do you prefer to work with adults or children?

What skills can you bring?

How much time are you able to devote to volunteering?

Do you prefer to work alone or in a group?

Volunteering adds meaning and purpose to your life and helps you to take the focus off yourself and on to others. It builds connections and is good for your well-being. 

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Coolness and consequent poise is a tremendous advantage to a young girl sailing on a social seas. By coolness and poise the unattractive self-assertiveness that many girls affect is not indicated, but a quiet self-control that leads even to the young a certain charming distinction of manners.

It is difficult to say which is a greater handicap for the debutante, unutterable shyness or pronounced self-assertion. Both will work disastrously for her. But the latter puts a girl at once into a class which lacks good taste and fine feeling, and will surely place her eventually outside the charmed inner circle.

Extreme shyness is very disastrous. It is a manifestation of self-consciousness which reduces its victim to a state of acute misery. It suppresses all naturalness and charm, and saps the dormant sweetness of a girl’s nature.

Girls who possess this temperament, no matter how small a degree, should strive persistently to overcome it. If it is allowed to develop it will mar not only the first winter festivities, but perhaps the whole life. 

To overcome desperate shyness requires strength of will. Tell yourself it must be done, and that will help.

Why should one believe that the eyes of a whole ballroom are focused on one’s insignificant self?Why would one harbor the idea that one is the object of amused criticism at a dinner party?

First plant firmly in your mind that you are one of a number, and you will have thrown up the initial defense against self-consciousness.

If you acquire the habit of being ready a few minutes before the time of every engagement you will discover it is an enormous help to a proper poise.

Plenty of time should be allowed for the toilet. The girl who dresses very carefully, and is assured that she looks as well as possible for her to look, is laying up a useful store of self-assurance. She should proceed next to give herself a little mental treatment for shyness. She should prove how absurd her shyness is and how useless.

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Lonely People

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Lonely People

This article appeared in the KIng Country Chronicle, a New Zealand newspaper, in 1934. The sermon was from the Rev. J.T.Hodgson.


“In every town and village there are lonely people. I had no idea, until I broadcasted on the subject, that a lot of people live lonely lives. After speaking over the wireless on this topic I received scores of letters from all parts of the land thanking me for a cheery word to lonely folk,” said the Rev. J. T. Hodgson, in the North Eatern Daily Gazette, an English paper.

“It is unfortunately, all too true that the tragedy of loneliness is often caused through hurt pride, hasty words, unkind actions, and unjust judgements,” adds Mr. Hodgson.

“There are some folk who prefer to be by themselves. Temperamentally, they are not friendly people. They are not keen even on shaking hands.

“Still, there are thousands of people, both old and young, who are genuinely lonely and sincerely anxious to be friendly and make friends.


“There is no need for such people to be lonely. A man who wants friends must show himself friendly. Life’s most precious gifts come through friends and by love.

“I like to feel that the churches are”Societies of Friends.” Some-times our ways and our spirit do not give the lonely and friendless the idea of friendliness. But I am quite certain that one of the most urgent tasks of the church to-day is a campaign of persistent friendliness.. 

In the many social activities, as well as devotional services of the Churches, people may find friendship and the lonely may find a good cheer.

“One of the many ways the Churches can show their religion is to display a more intelligent and affectionate interest in the lives of those who are “shut in” and among the old folk who cannot get out and about. 

“The knowledge that somebody cares means a lot to some people. Little acts of kindness, regular visits paid, some small service rendered will make all the difference to those who have few friends and to those who are lonely. To my mind, this is real Christianity. If we practice it more we shall be doing good.”

Lonely People, King Country Chronicle, Issue 4568, 10 July 1934, Page 3, Papers-Past

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Jesus the Way to the Father

John 14:4 Thomas said to Jesus, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?”

John 14:6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

John 14:7 “If you really knew me, you would know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and you have seen him.”

John 14:8 Philip said, “Lord, show us the Father and that will be enough for us.”

John 14:9 Jesus answered, “Don’t you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time?  Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father.How can you say, “Show us the Father?”

John 14:10 “Don’t you believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me? The words I say to you are not just my own. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing His work.”

John 14:11 Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me; or at least believe in the evidence of the miracles themselves.”

John 14:12 “I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.

John 14:13 And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the son may bring glory to the Father.”

John 14:14 “You may ask for anything in my name and I will do it.”

Notes from this scripture for those who are not believers:

God came to earth as a man and his name is Jesus. He did not come down to world to condemn it,  but rather,  that all who believe in Him (Jesus) would receive everlasting life into eternity. When Jesus uses the word father he is talking about God. 

Further reading John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his only son that everyone who has faith in HIm will have everlasting life.”

“Scripture taken from  the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984. International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers.”

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Two are better than one…if either of them falls down, one can help the other up. (ECCLESIASTES 4:9-10)


“It can be an affliction more harrowing than homelessness, hunger, or disease,’ wrote Maggie Fergusson in the Economist’s 1843 magazine. Her subject? Loneliness. Fergusson chronicled the increasing rates of loneliness, irrespective of one’s social or economic status, using heart wrenching examples of what it feels like to be lonely.

The hurt of feeling lonely isn’t new to our day. Indeed, the pain of isolation echoes off the pages of the ancient book of Ecclesiastes. Often attributed to KIng Soloman, the book captures the sorrow of those who seem to lack any meaningful relationships (4:7-8). The speaker lamented that it’s possible to acquire significant wealth and yet experience no value from it because there is no one to share it with.

But the speaker also recognized the beauty of companionship, writing that friends help you to accomplish more than you could achieve on your own (v.9); companions help in times of need (v.10); partners bring comfort (V 11); and friends can provide protection in difficult situations (v 12).

Loneliness is a significant struggle-God created us to offer and receive the benefits of friendship and community. If you’re feeling alone, pray that God will help you form meaningful connections with others. In the meantime, find encouragement in the reality that the believer is never truly alone because Jesus’s Spirit is always with us. (Matthew 28:20)

How might you reach out to someone who is truly lonely? How have you experienced the blessing of God’s Spirit with you when you’ve felt alone?

Heavenly Father, when I feel lonely, gives me courage to reach out to others with an offer of friendship.

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