Cain and Abel

After Adam and Eve were asked to leave the garden of Eden by God, they had to work hard to provide for themselves and their growing family. This was the result of their sin.

God taught Adam and Eve to offer sacrifices to Him. A lamb was often killed with its blood shed, this was similar to the shedding of blood of Jesus who was the spotless lamb. 

The sacrificial lamb was always one without blemish.

An offering of first fruits was also brought to the Lord. This was to show gratitude to God for his provision and was in addition to the offering.

Adam and Eve had two sons, Cain and Abel. Cain was the elder son, he worked the land; but Abel was a shepherd.

Cain and Abel were both brothers but certainly did not have the same attitude. Abel was considered obedient and loved the Lord’s ways but Cain preferred to do things his way. 

One day, Cain and Abel brought an offering before the Lord. Abel brought a lamb. BUt Cain brought only an offering of the fruit of the field.

God not only sees the things men do but also knows their hearts and understand their motives. He was pleased with Abel’s offering but not Cains.

Abel believed in God’s promises but Cain relied on his own strength.

God did not love Abel more than he loved Cain ; in fact nothing can make God love you any less than he does already. 

When Cain’s offering was unacceptable to God he became jealous of Abel and went into a rage. The Lord asked him why he was so angry, and told him if he did as Abel did, his offering would have been acceptable too. Cain then had the opportunity to bring a pleasing offering to God but instead chose to remain angry.

One day when Cain and Abel were in the field, Cain slew Abel. One sin led to another then another, and another.

First disobedience, followed by anger, envy, and murder. God asked Cain, “Where is your brother Abel?”

Abel answered, “Am I my brother’s keeper?”

Cain was given the opportunity to reflect on his terrible crime but felt no pity in his heart for Abel.

God said, “What have you done Cain? the voice of your brother cries out from the ground.”

The Lord knows everything done by everyone on this earth. There is nothing hidden from God. He sees every kind act and kind word spoken on earth. He also sees every nasty deeds done on earth.

The ground had already been cursed due to Adam and Eve’s sin; but now Cain was told that now he was to be a fugitive on earth.

Adam and Eve must have really been sorry that one son was murdered and the other was an outcast. This was a direct result of their sin.

It is worth remembering that a generational curse often starts with just one act of disobedience.

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